What is ETH in Your Coins.ph App?
Just recently, Coins.ph, the most trusted and biggest bitcoin exchange in the Philippines rolled out a support for the second largest cryptocurrency in the world based on market capitalization, non other than the Etherium or ETH for short.As you might have noticed, for those who updated their Coins.ph Android app recently, you can now see another wallet for ETH, that means you can now see 3 wallets in your Coins.ph App, the first is your PHP Wallet, BTC Wallet and the third is ETH Wallet.
Basically, it's just another currency, or cryptocurrency being supported by Coins.ph for which you can then directly buy and sell Ether using your Coins.ph account's PHP Wallet.
How to Create Etherium Wallet?
Unlike our Bitcoin Wallets in Coins.ph which was free by default when we signed up for Coins.ph, the newly-supported cryptocurrency ETH on Coins.ph has one-time fee of 20.00 pesos in order to create or activate.According to the article posted by Coins.ph on their blog, the 20.00 pesos fee goes to the Etherium network and this does not go to Coins.ph, which means they do not profit from this one-time fee to create our Etherium wallets in Coins.ph.
So What Now?
Since Etherium crypto is now supported by our most-trusted cryptocurrency exchange Coins.ph here in the Philippines, we can now easily trade ether directly on our Coins.ph account which is now more convenient than before.Honestly I have not owned or bought any other crypto before that's now supported by Coins.ph because of the hassle, but now that the second largest crypto ETH is now supported by Coins.ph, I might give it a try because I can then easily withdraw if I need to because Coins.ph has various partners here in the Philippines which means I have a wide variety of options converting my bitcoins or ethers to Philippine pesos.
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